On Saturday, March 26, 2022, the Minnesota Space Grant Consortium held a statewide Student Symposium at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. In-person attendees gathered at Akerman Hall. Sessions were also streamed on Zoom for remote attendees.
This year’s symposium marked the inclusion of in person presentations and exhibits. The first symposium, in March 2021, was completely remote.
Over the course of the day there were 25 presentations by students and student groups from eight different universities and colleges about MnSGC projects they have worked on in the past year, as well a keynote presentation and a career panel.
New this year: There were also two exhibit sessions in which student groups showed hardware for stratospheric ballooning (including eclipse ballooning), high-power rocketry (including competition rockets), CubeSats, lunar robotics, suborbital rocketry payloads, and UAV research.
For more details, see the Video and Abstract Booklet [ PDF ]: