Dr. Carl Isaacson has been the Affiliate Director of the Minnesota Space Grant Consortium at Bemidji State University since 2014 and works at the University’s Center of Environmental, Economic, Earth, and Space Studies.
Dr. Isaacson is a chemist whose primary research interest is improving water quality. Over his career he has worked on both organic and inorganic environmental contaminants from both a chemical and toxicological perspective. He teaches classes including environmental toxicology, environmental microbiology, environmental chemistry, waste water treatment, and introductory-level environmental science.
Dr. Isaacson is currently working on projects to determine the effect surface water sulfate concentration has on mercury methylation potential and to determine effects of anthropogenic surface water inputs on yellow perch development. He has also recently submitted proposals to work on remote sensing techniques to determine sources of water impairments and the success of amphipod stocking in wetlands across Northern Minnesota.
Dr. Isaacson is also involved in outreach supported by the Minnesota Space Grant Consortium, such as Bemidji State University’s “Share the Future” event, an outreach activity aimed at Northern Minnesota middle school students. He is active in the community, and is a member of the Turtle River Watershed Association.