Stratospheric Ballooning Team at the U of MN – Twin Cities

Since 2007 the MnSGC at the U of MN – Twin Cities has engaged students in building “near-space-craft” (AKA “payloads”) and using weather balloons to loft them into the stratosphere where the conditions (and the view!) are much like outer space. Student-built payloads carry cameras, microcontroller-logged sensor suites, gps systems, tracking radios, and more. Participants […]

Freshman Seminar on Airships at U of MN – Twin Cities

Freshmen students in AEM 1301: Lighter-Than-Air RC Vehicles built and flew multiple styles of RC blimps, including one rigid airship, during the fall of 2019. The class exhibited some of the vehicles they built in the Balas Atrium of Akerman Hall on Dec. 10. Photo Credits: CSE

Michele Brekke: Meet and Greet

Michele A. Brekke will be doing a meet & greet in the Gary Balas Atrium on October 4, 2019 from 10 to 11:45 a.m. She will be sharing her journey through her career and taking questions afterwards. Brekke is an AEM alumna (B.S. ’75, M.S. ’77) and now a flight manager for the Boeing CST-100 Starliner operational […]