The 2024-2025 Space Grant Midwest High-Power Rocketry Competition
The MnSGC and Tripoli MN, a high-power rocketry club, are hosting the 2024-2025 Space Grant Midwest High-Power Rocket Competition in May of 2025. In this competition college student teams design, build, and fly high-power rocket(s). In this year’s “High-Thrust” challenge teams will try to achieve a specific “low” altitude (1000 ft) then try to fly […]
Minnesota Space Grant Recruiting Summer 2025 Interns
NASA’s Minnesota Space Grant Consortium Summer 2025 Internships Positions open until filled or the end of April, whichever comes first. To apply, contact the mentor to learn more about the opportunity and to get application instructions. Applicants must be full-time students attending a college or university in Minnesota and must be United States citizens. Being […]
Apply now for summer 2020 NASA Center internships
NASA Center internships provide training, mentoring, and career development opportunities while working with some of the best science, engineering, financial, information technology, and business minds in the world. At NASA, we explore the extraordinary every day and our work is more than just a profession – it’s a lifelong pursuit and a passion. NASA Center […]