The MnSGC and Tripoli MN, a high-power rocketry club, are hosting the 2024-2025 Space Grant Midwest High-Power Rocket Competition in May of 2025. In this competition college student teams design, build, and fly high-power rocket(s). In this year’s “High-Thrust” challenge teams will try to achieve a specific “low” altitude (1000 ft) then try to fly as high as possible, both on a particularly-high-thrust motor (an AeroTech H550 DMS motor).
Team presentations about rocket designs (and safety checks) will be held in the Balas Atrium of Akerman Hall at the U of MN (110 Union St SE, Minneapolis, MN) on Saturday, May 17, 2025, starting in the late afternoon and going into the evening. Competition launches will take place all day (weather permitting) at the Tripoli MN high-power rocket launch site outside North Branch, MN, on Sunday, May 18, 2025.
Spectators are welcome to attend all events. Contact James Flaten, Assoc. Dir. of the MN Space Grant, for more information.
A competition handbook, and slides from the kick-off telecon, are posted on the competition website (link below).
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